
Laura Bakosh, General Manager for Sales & Marketing, The Americas, GE Healthcare

Stephen has immense vision. He’s a guy that can look at a business model and say to a business executive running a segment, “I have an idea that could bring a whole bunch of different players together and really everybody wins, and let me tell you about it”. So, not just here’s a simple thing, but here’s a very complex idea that I think I can make work.

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Vision (0:01:25)Hospitals (0:00:27) Pitch (0:00:18)Breadth & Depth (0:00:28)

Judith Bramson, Assistant Vice President/Specialty Products, MassMutual

I think what we accomplished with our limited budget was - OVER THE TOP. Certainly beyond any expectation that I had. And, then we also had the “halo effect” from all of the additional media coverage that we received, because of the uniqueness of what we did!

Hear more about what Judith had to say about Stephen:

Journey (0:00:54)Creativity (0:00:43) Budget (0:00:18)Repurposing (0:00:58)

John Englehart, Co-Founder, “FIDO”/Fearless Innovation Designed Online

He is a catalyst, he is a partner, he is a collaborator and he brings a depth of care to getting to the right outcome –really an obsession to getting to the right outcome – and that is inspiring and exciting to the people that he’s working with and it’s inspiring and exciting, obviously, for the challenge owners.

Hear more about what John had to say about Stephen:

Challenges (0:01:04)Collaboration (0:01:31) Catalyst (0:00:25)Facilitator (0:00:36)

Kirk Davis, President / COO, Gatehouse Media

He’s just remarkably gifted at leading clients through a process of discovery, business analysis and then coming back with the most refreshing take on how to solve problems. You really can’t find that. Certainly, there are massive firms that are rich with talented folks, but Steve has so many skills sets all encompassed in what he brings that he’s a very powerful one-man agency, but also rich with resources that he draws on for all the other things that he deems appropriate!

Hear more about what Kirk had to say about Stephen:

Discovery (0:00:32)Committment (0:00:56) Inspiring (0:00:25)Linchpin (0:00:12)

Amy Chernoff, Director of Marketing, Babies-R-Us

Animatronic Annie, even if you just look at that piece, was an enormous undertaking. Those kind of details that Stephen kind of brought to the picture to make it the best experience that our expectant moms could have. And I think it was that attention to detail that really, really impressed me the most. Just over and above to exceed our expectations again and again and again. It was spectacular. It truly was spectacular.

Hear more about what Amy had to say about Stephen:

Execution (0:00:59)Curation (0:00:31) Transformation (0:00:51)Sponsors (0:00:39) Animatronics (0:02:09)

Linchpin at Large - Stephen Warshaw
info@linchpinatlarge.com - 860.619.8072